Emotional Freedom Technique

This form of psychological acupressure is becoming increasingly popular in the field of complementary medicine.

EFT is a simple, yet powerful technique.

It combines the principles of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology. This is used for both children, teens, and adults as a technique to clear emotional issues and to calm the nervous system.

How It Works

For clearing emotional issues, the technique gets you to rate the intensity of your emotion with a traumatic memory you then pair your memory with a statement of self – acceptance for example “I deeply and completely accept myself”

This pairing utilizes two psychological techniques called exposure (remembering the trauma) and cognitive restructuring, (self-acceptance)

Then, you tap with your fingertips on a series of acupressure points on your face and body. The tapping sends a calming signal to your brain, telling it that you are safe, and helps release stress.

So, while before, the memory might send your body into a conditioned stress response, because by thinking of the memory often and getting upset, we have established what is called a strongly conditioned feedback loop, and now you’re re-conditioning your brain with a positive association.

The signal of safety sent by your fingertips tells your brain’s stress response to disengage. So, the conditioned association of the memory with the stress response is broken, as the nervous system no longer associates the memory with stress.

When the conditioned response has been successfully counter conditioned by EFT you can still remember the stressful event, however the memory no longer triggers a stress response in your body. After the calming experience of EFT has been associated with the memory, the memory is no longer tagged by the body as a cue to go into flight, fright, or freeze, instead it has a neutral emotional tone.

Once you break the conditioned response you can think of the memory without any emotional charge.

Tapping Points

EFT for Adults

Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed by your own emotions?

EFT can help. Together, we can create the life you envision, one where you feel understood, connected and supported.

EFT can help adults work through:

  • Emotional distress: The sadness, anger, grief or other emotions impacting your daily life.

  • Past experiences: The memories of childhood experiences that are affecting your current relationships and wellbeing.

  • Physical symptoms: Explore how emotional support may help with pain or health issues.

  • Phobias and fears: Address fears or negative thoughts that limit your life.

EFT for Children & Teens

Learning to develop emotional resilience

I teach children EFT techniques they can use to manage their emotions and calm their nervous systems. Parents can also learn these techniques to support their children and create a calmer home environment.

Tapping Points for Children

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What People Are Saying

“I had the pleasure of doing EFT sessions with Suzanne Ferera, and they have been very helpful. Suzanne’s warm and compassionate guidance helped me release emotions and gain clarity on challenges I had been facing. Each session left me feeling lighter, more centered, and empowered to move forward. I highly recommend Suzanne to anyone seeking healing and personal growth through EFT.”

— Client

I had not experienced EFT before my session with Suzanne.
She worked with me so calmly and compassionately - I was astounded by the depth and impact of our work together.
I will definitely return to this method to untangle other knots.

— SK, coaching psychologist, London